
Background Fellowships

The Gerda Henkel Foundation maintains several partnerships with academic institutions in the United States, Great Britain, France and Germany as part of its international commitment. The following fellowship programmes are currently available.

German Historical Institute London

Gerda Henkel Visiting Professorship

The German Historical Institute London (GHIL) is an independent academic institution dedicated to the promotion of historical research in Britain and Germany. It focuses on the comparative history of Germany and Britain, on the history of the British Empire and Commonwealth and on Anglo-German political, intellectual and cultural relations and transfers. It is part of the Max Weber Foundation. Its task is to represent German history studies in Great Britain and to make contributions towards the researching of British history from mediaeval times through to the present day. In addition the Institute brings to the discussion in Britain the latest topics and trends from German research, promotes contacts between German and British researchers and encourages European comparative studies.

The research profile of the Institute itself is under its statutes however primarily aimed at British history. Whereas British research into German history has been mainly dominated by topics such as the First World War and the period of National Socialism, the history of the Federal Republic has so far remained largely disregarded.

For this reason, in 2008 the Gerda Henkel Foundation provided the German Historical Institute London with funds to establish a Visiting Professorship (Gerda Henkel Visiting Professorship) for the topic area of German history from 1890 to the present day. The aim is to promote modern German historical research within the European context. The professorship at the German Historical Institute is linked to a Visiting Professorship at the International History Department of the London School of Economics and Political Science and requires the holding of a seminar on modern German history as part of the MA course at the University.

The Visiting Professor is supported by funding from the Gerda Henkel Foundation, the German Historical Institute London and the London School of Economics and Political Science. By bearing the costs of a professorship, exceptionally qualified historians who teach and study in the field of modern history at German universities have the opportunity to undertake a major research project over the period of the grant.


For more information about the application procedure please contact the German Historical Institute London.


2022/2023 Prof. Dr. Constantin Goschler (Bochum): Cultures of Compromise in Germany and Britain, 1945 -2000

2021/2022: Prof. Dr. Alexander Nützenadel (Berlin): Fascism, Technocracy and Economic Populism in Europe 1920-40

2020/2021: Prof. Dr. Martina Kessel (Bielefeld): 'Germanness' in the 20th century: Identity, Violence and
Politics in Germany in the 20th century

2019/2020:  Prof. Dr. Ulrich Herbert (Freiburg): Immigration into Germany and German Migration Policy, 1990 to 2018

2018/2019: Prof. Dr. Johanna Gehmacher (Wien): A Gender History of National Socialism - History, Memory, Debates

2017/2018: Prof. Dr. Arnd Bauerkämper (Berlin): Sicherheit und Humanität im Ersten Weltkrieg. Der Umgang mit zivilen „feindlichen Ausländern“ in den kriegführenden Staaten

2016/2017: Prof. Dr. Dominik Geppert (Bonn): A History of Divided Germany

2015/2016: Prof. Dr. Lutz Raphael (Trier): Transformations of industrial labour in Western Europe between 1970 and 2000

2014/2015: Prof. Dr. Kiran Klaus Patel (Maastricht): Welfare in the Warfare State: Nazi Social Policy on the International Stage

2013/2014: Prof. Dr. Dorothee Wierling (Hamburg): Coffee Worlds in Green Coffee and its Agents: The Hamburg Coffee Merchants in the 20th century

2012/2013: Prof. Dr. Andreas Rödder (Mainz): The History of the Pesent

2011/2012: Prof. Dr. Ute Daniel (Braunschweig): Media and politics - an entangled history (c. 1900-1980)

2010/2011: Prof. Dr. Christoph Cornelißen (Frankfurt am Main): The British and German welfare states after "the great boom": public debates on social inequality and social justice since the 1970s

2009/2010: Prof. Dr. Johannes Paulmann (Mainz): International aid and solidarity: Humanitarian committment and the media in Germany, c. 1950-1985

German Historical Institute Washington

Gerda Henkel Postdoctoral and Advanced Doctoral Fellowship for Digital History

The German Historical Institute Washington (GHI) is a member institution of the Max Weber Foundation - International Humanities. It is a distinguished non-university affiliated historical research institute that conducts inter- and transdisciplinary research with a transatlantic focus. Its fellowship program promotes cutting-edge research in history and related disciplines and the international exchange of scholars. The GHI seeks to foster inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation and contributes to the advancement of digital history and digital humanities. In cooperation with the Roy Rosenzweig Center for Digital History and New Media (RRCHNM) at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA the GHI Washington provides a 12-month postdoctoral and advanced doctoral fellowship in digital history once a year.

The fellowship will provide a unique opportunity for the recipient to develop an innovative research project at RRCHNM, where she/he will be in residence for one year. One of the Center's Associate Directors will work with the fellow to develop a project further and help her/him develop the skills needed for that project. The fellow is also expected to cooperate with the GHI on a regular basis. She/he will participate in the Institute's scholarly activities and its digital projects. Moreover, the fellow will have the opportunity to get in contact with other North American Centers for Digital History or Digital Humanities. The Max Weber Foundation - International Humanities will invite the fellow to organize a workshop on new perspectives in the field of Digital History after completing the fellowship.


For more information about the application procedure please contact the German Historical Institute Washington.


2024/25: Dr. Lauren Rever (Washington DC, USA / Heidelberg, Germany), How Historical Institutions Shape Historymaking: The 8th Grade Trip to Washington, DC

2023/24: Dr. Wouter Kreuze (Cork, Ireland / Leiden, Netherlands), The Genesis of a News System: The Travel Routes of the Handwritten Newsletter Network

2022/23: Dr. Alexandra Krebs (Paderborn, Germany), History in Digital Spaces. Historical Learning inside the ‚App in die Geschichte‘ (App into History)

2020/21: Dr. Sebastian Bondzio (Osnabrück, Germany), Researching German Migration to the United States by Mining Historical Big Data – The Castle Garden Immigration Center’s Database in Digital History

2019/20: Dr. Julius Wilm (Copenhagen, Denmark), Measuring the Homestead Act: Settlement Expansion and Private Land Acquisition in the American West, 1863-1934

2018/19: Dr. Jens Pohlmann (Berlin, Germany / Stanford, USA), How to Digitally Preserve, Exhibit, and Analyze Einstürzende Neubauten’s Supporter Project?

2016/17: Dr. Gabor M. Toth (Passau, Germany), Agency and Worlds of Probabilities in the Memory of Holocaust Survivors. The Computer assisted Analysis of Interviews and Witness Accounts

Historisches Kolleg, Munich

Gerda Henkel Junior Fellowships

The Historische Kolleg, founded in 1980 as an Institute for Advanced Study in Munich, supports notable researchers with a proven track-record in research and teaching drawn from all sectors of the historical sciences in Germany and abroad, by releasing them for research purposes. Appointments to the Kolleg, which are made on a competitive basis, offer scientists the opportunity to concentrate on a major work ("magnum opus") freed from their university duties. The selection criteria are focused on the promotion of research personalities.

Since 1988, the Historische Kolleg has also awarded bursaries to allow post-doctoral students time for their work and to promote close professional contact with established researchers, from the full spectrum of the discipline concerned, within the inspirational atmosphere of the college. The Foundation has provided the Historische Kolleg with funds for the bestowal of four "Gerda Henkel Junior Fellowships" to outstanding young researchers.


For details, please visit the website of the Historisches Kolleg.
For more detailed information, please contact the secretary of the Historisches Kolleg:

Dr. Karl-Ulrich Gelberg
Kaulbachstrasse 15
D-80539 München

Phone: 0049 (0)89 28663860
email: karl-ulrich.gelberg@historischeskolleg.de
Web: Historisches Kolleg München


2024/2025: Dr. Anne Mariss (Regensburg, Deutschland): Beyond devotion. Rosenkränze als materielle Grenzgänger zwischen Konfession. Konsum und katholischer Mission

2023/2024: Dr. Iryna Klymenko (München, Deutschland): Körper und Ordnung. Eine Religionsgeschichte von Nahrung und Kleidung in der frühen Neuzeit

2022/2023: Prof. Dr. Marcia C. Schenck (Potsdam, Deutschland): Decolonization, Cold War, and the Organization of African Unity: The Creation of an African Refugee Regime in Global Perspective, 1963–1984

2020/2021: Dr. Philipp Lenhard (München, Germany): Wahlverwandtschaften - Eine jüdische Kulturgeschichte der Freundschaft im 20. Jahrhundert

2019/2020: Dr. Pascal Firges (Paris, France): Noble Mistresses: The Culture of Marriage and Extramarital Relationships in French Court Society

2018/2019: Dr. Ariane Leendertz (Cologne, Germany): Gesellschaftliche Komplexität, globale Interdependenzen und der Wandel von Staatlichkeit im 20. Jahrhundert

2017/2018: Dr. Anette Schlimm (Munich, Germany): Übergangsgesellschaften. Zur Politik und Politisierung im ländlichen Raum, 1850 bis 1950

2016/2017: Dr. David Kuchenbuch (Gießen, Germany): Eine Welt/One World: Arno Peters, R. Buckminster Fuller und die Mediengeschichte des Globalismus, 1940er bis 1990er Jahre

2015/2016: Dr. Peter Švik (Tartu, Estonia): The East-West race for civil aviation superiority and the hidden paths of globalization, 1945-1989

2014/2015: Dr. Peter Kramper (London, Great Britain): "The Battle of the Standards". Messen, Zählen und Wiegen in Westeuropa 1750–1914

2013/2014: Dr. Simone Derix (Munich, Germany): Die Thyssens. Familie und Vermögen (1880er bis 1960er Jahre)

2012/2013: Dr. Martina Steber (London, Great Britain): Conservatism lost - Conservatism regaines. Politische Sprache des Konservativen in Großbritannien und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren

2011/2012: Dr. Rüdiger Graf (Bochum, Germany): "Petroknowledge" und politisches Handeln in den USA und Westeuropa in den 1970er Jahren

Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton

Gerda Henkel Fellowship

The Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey (USA), was founded by Louis Bamberger and his sister Caroline Bamberger Fuld in 1930 and is one of the world's leading research establishments. Each year, about 190 international accredited researchers are invited to the renowned private institute, where they are given the opportunity to pursue their studies in one of the four schools (Historical Studies, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences) without other commitments.

Call for Proposals
Since 1993, the Foundation has maintained a scholarship programme, awarding grants for research at the School of Historical Studies. The Gerda Henkel Fellowship is made available for a period of one academic year. The permanent members of the School of Historical Studies select the candidates in consultation with the Foundation. In 2019, the programme was extended for another five years.


The Institute for Advanced Studies is in charge of the application and selection procedure. For more information, applicants may directly contact the School of Historical Studies via their website, www.hs.ias.edu.


Janet Yoon, Administrative Officer
School of Historical Studies
Institute for Advanced Study
1 Einstein Drive
Princeton, New Jersey 08540

E-Mail: jyoon@ias.edu


2022/2023: Prof. Dr. Verena Krebs (Bochum, Germany): Africa Collecting Europe: Patronage and Power in Christian Ethiopia, 1470–1530

2021/2022: Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber-Karyotakis (Mainz, Germany): The Greco-Roman Metal Sculpture of Bilad al-Sham and the Arabian Peninsula: Art History and Technology

2019/2020: Prof. Dr. Jan Bemmann (Bonn, Germany): Karakorum – A History of Urbanization on the Steppes of Inner Asia until the decline of the Mongol Empire

2018/2019: Dr. Christian Mauder (Göttingen, Germany): In the Sultan’s Salon: Learning, Religion and Rulership at the Mamluk Court of Qanisawh al-Ghawri (1501-1516)

2017/2018: Prof. Dr. Marek Jan Olbrycht (Rzeszow, Poland): Warfare in Arsacid Iran (3rd century B.C.- 3rd century A.D.)

2016/2017: PD Dr. Klaus Oschema (Heidelberg, Germany): Orientation from the stars - late medieval astrologers and the creation of an expert culture

2015/2016: Dr. Thomas Biskup (Hull, Great Brtain): Multi-national empires of knowledge: practices of natural history in Anglo-German networks 1735-1800

2014/2015: Dr. Marco Barducci (Livorno, Italy): The English receptions of Hugo Grotius's works (c. 1617-1730). A case study of transnational reception in early modern Europe

2013/2014: Prof. Dr. Giorgio Caravale (Rom, Italy): Cultures in motion: Intellectuals, Illiterates and Censorship in Early Modern Italy from the ‘Radical Renaissance’ to the Radical Enlightenment

2012/2013: Dr. Christian Meyer (Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany): The Role of the Traditional Formula "shendao shejiao" in the Processes of Negotiating and Appropriating the Western Concept of "Religion" in Modern China, 1890-Present

2011/2012: PD Dr. Nicola Suthor (Hamburg/ Bern, Switzerland): A Revision of the So-Called "Non Finito" in Late Titian and Rembrandt / Prof. Dr. Maria Stavrinaki (Paris, France): "The Nightmare of History". Mimetic Technologies and Asynchronous Temporalities in the Avant-garde, 1910-1938

2010/2011: Prof. Dr. Anton Bierl (Basel, Switzerland): Youth in Fiction. Love, Myth, and Literary Sophistication in the Ancient Novel

2009/2010: Dr. Judith Pfeiffer (Oxford, Great Britain): Rashid al-Din (d. 718/1318): A Physician, Statesman and Intellectual of Late Medieval Islamic History

2008/2009: Prof. Dr. Sabine Schmidtke (Berlin, Germany): Abu l-Husayn al-Basri. A study of his doctrinal thought and its reception among later Mutazilites (Sunni, Shii, Jewish and Christian)

2007/2008: Prof. Dr. Cormac Ó Gráda (Dublin, Ireland): Famine: A Short History / Dr. Oleksandr Symonenko (Kiev, Ukraine): Sarmatians, Central Asia, China: New light of the origin and ethnic history of Sarmatians

2006/2007: Prof. Dr. Michael Lackner (Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany): Diagrams as tools for interpreting the Classics: Song dynasty exegetical visualization of language

2005/2006: Dr. Mechthild Fend (Berlin, Germany): Zur Geschichte und Repräsentation von Haut in Frankreich 1750–1870

2004/2005: PD Dr. Boris Dreyer (Göttingen, Germany): “Villes sujettes” and the administration of the Attalid Kingdom / Prof. Dr. Franz J. Felten (Mainz)

2003/2004: Dr. Markus Asper (Konstanz, Germany): Griechische Wissenschaftstexte. Formen, Funktionen, Differenzierungsgeschichten

2002/2003: Dr. Olaf Peters (Bonn, Germany): Max Beckmann in Exile. Studies in the later work of the painter, 1930–1950

2001/2002: PD Dr. Rudolf Haensch (Köln, Germany): Sozialgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur Finanzierung des Kirchenbaus in den spätantiken Patriarchaten Antiochia und Jerusalem

2000/2001: Dr. Jörg Merz (Augsburg, Germany): The architecture of Pietro da Cortona

1999/2000: Dr. Vera Tolz-Zilitinkevic (Salford, Great Britain): Russia. Inventing the nation

1998/1999: Dr. Wolfhart Heinrichs (Harvard, USA) / Dr. Eckart Schütrumpf (Boulder, CA, USA): Obscure writing in medieval Arabic poetry and science. Metaphorical and other means

1997/1998: Prof. Dr. Lothar J. Haselberger (Philadelphia, PA, USA): Die beste Form der Stadt oder Die Kraft der Geometrie. Eine antike Theorie des Städtebaus nach Vitruv (The Power of Geometry. Classical City Planning according to Vitruvius) / Prof. Dr. Joachim Ganzert (Biberach). Roman architecture. The arches on the forum of Augustus in Rome

1996/1997: PD Dr. Charlotte Schoell-Glass (Hamburg, Germany): Aby Warburg und der Antisemitismus. Zur politischen Logik der Kulturwissenschaft

1995/1996: Prof. Dr. Georg Petzl (Köln, Germany): Griechische und lateinische Inschriften von Philadelphia in Lydien

1994/1995: Prof. Dr. Hubert Mordek (Freiburg, Germany) / Prof. Dr. Peter Springer (Oldenburg, Germany)

1993/1994: Prof. Dr. Dorothea Frede (Hamburg, Germany): Platons Dialog Philebos. Übersetzung und Kommentar

Institutes for Advanced Study, Bukarest und Sofia

Postdoctoral Fellowships in Bucharest and Sofia

Since the fall of the Iron Curtain, two Institutes for Advanced Study have been founded in Romania and Bulgaria, which excel in promoting the humanities and social sciences and boast excellent reputations beyond their borders as centres for intellectual life:

Founded in 1994, the New Europe College has already invited hundreds of young scholars to in-residence fellowships in Bucharest lasting several months. The college believes that outstanding Romanian and international researchers should be able to concentrate on projects of their own choosing, while being encouraged not to pursue their studies in isolation, but to profit from debate and networking with their peers.

The somewhat younger Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (established in 2000) also appoints fellows from inside and outside the country – in this case, Bulgaria. It is involved in major international research projects and is consequently instrumental in promoting young scholars and further qualifying them. With its managing bodies and events the CAS has become a focal point for critical scholarly debate in Bulgaria.


For more information about the application procedure please contact the New Europe College Bukarest or the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia.


New Europe College Bukarest


Dr. Mariya Horyacha (Ukraine), The Making of Monastic Hamartiology: The Contribution of Eastern Ascetic Fathers of the 4th-7th Century to the Christian Doctrine of Sin

Dr. Roman Shliakhtin (Russia), Anatolia Lost and Found: Trauma and Compensation in Komnenian Space (1081- 1204)


Dr. Irina Nicorici (Moldova), Redefining Citizens, Kith and Kin: Cross-border Migrations between Romania and the Soviet Union, 1960-1990

Dr. Aliaksandra Valodzina (Belarus), The Image of the East in Medieval Polemic Anti-Heretical Texts


Dr. Dr. Irina Kotkina (Russia), Soviet Colonialism in Music and Formation of the Cultural Eurasian Space: National Opera under Stalin

Dr. Yurii Kaparulin (Ukraine), Between Soviet Modernization and the Holocaust: Jewish Agrarian Settlements in the South of Ukraine (1924-1947)


Dr. Oksana Ermolaeva (Russia), Border Demarcation and Russian Imperial Colonization in the North: The Case of the Borderland Karelia, XVII – XX century.

Dr. Andrei Emilciuc (Moldova), A Comparative Study on the Development of Commercial Institutions and Practices in Romanian Principalities / Romania and Bessarabia (1812-1918)


Dr. Svitlana Potapenko (Ukraine), Instead of Myself, I Entrust to Be in the Court and to Attend …”: Attorneys in Sloboda Ukraine (1730s-1830s)


Dr. Viktoriia Serhiienko (Ukraine): Russophile and Ukrainophile orientations in eastern Slovakia in 1919-1938: confrontation and interaction

Prof. Dr. Artem Kharchenko (Ukraine): A Jewish Community in the Space of Imperial City: Tradition-Adaptation-Modernization (Kharkiv, 1859-1914


Prof. Dr. Aurelia Felea (Moldova), Everyday life and (re)defining identity in the Gulag: a study based on autobiographical texts belonging to people from Bessarabia and Bukovina deported to Kazakhstan


Prof. Dr. Evgeny Troitskiy (Russia), Dead-Letter Regimes in Eurasia: Strategies, Communication and Dramaturgy


Centre for Advanced Study Sofia


Dr. Candan Badem (Turkey), The Russo-Ottoman War of 1828-29 and its Impact on the Balkans and the Caucasus

Dr. Siarhei Marozau (Belarus), The Great Duchy of Lithuania (mid-13th – 18th century) in the modern Belarusian memory politics (2015–2023)

Dr. Mikhail Maslovskiy (Russia), Historical Sociology, International Relations and Russian Civilizational Politics


Prof. Dr. Abdulhamit Kirmizi (Turkey), An Empire of Officials: Christians in the Ottoman Bureaucracy

Dr. Luka Nakhutsrishvili (Georgia), The theatre-caravanserai of Tbilisi. Reassembling a civilizing heterotopia from the Russian Caucasus, 1845-1876

Dr. Anastasiya Ryabchuk (Ukraine), International development and vulnerability in the frontline communities of the Donbas


Dr. Galyna Babak (Ukraine), Embracing Modernism: Soviet Ukrainian Literature and Russian Modernist Literary Theory (1920s – the beginning of 1930s)

Dr. Mariana Bodnaruk (Ukraine), Transvestite saints in Jerusalem: Embodiment, Materiality, and Cult Places of Pelagia the Penitent, Mary of Egypt, and Susanna of Eleutheropolis

Prof. Dr. Evgeny Troitskiy (Russia), The Two “Great Games”: “Homo Ludens” in Central Asia


Dr. Olga Zaslavskaya (Russia), Between the Reds and the Whites: Civil War and the East European Lost Generation

Dr. Tetiana Onofriichuk (Ukraine), Define the Distinction: Natural History and Society in the Polish Provinces of the Russian Empire, 1790s-1840s

Dr. Asiya Bulatova (Russia), The Chaplin Vaccine: Taylorism and Immunization in Early-Soviet Film Theory and Fiction


Dr. Irina Gordeeva (Russia), Tolstoyans and International Pacifist Movement in the 1920-1930s: The Early History of European Transnational Solidarity

Dr. Nilay Kılınç (Turkey), Highly-Skilled Turkish Migrants’ Search for Alternative Diaspora Spaces in Europe: How They Build (Digital) Social Networks Beyond the ‘Culture of Rejection‘

Dr. Anastasia Felcher (Moldova), Alexander Pushkin as Foreign Heritage: Transformation and Cultural Disintegration in post-Soviet Societies


Dr. Oleksandr Polianichev (Ukraine), Engaging with the Empire: Colonial Uncertainties and the Imperial Rule in the Noth-West Caucasus, 1792-1870s

Dr. Anton Symkovych (Ukraine/South Africa), The Post-Soviet Prisoner Society and its Normative System: Power, Legitimacy, and Dynamics of the Ucrainian Prisoner Self-organisation


Dr. Victoria Shmidt (Czech Republic), Eugenic thinking in the CEE countries: never-ending story of root metaphors?

Dr. Maria Mayerchyk (Ukraine), Inventing “Sexuality”: Capitalism, Nationalism and Ethnologic Knowledge Production in XIX and Beginning of XX Century


Dr. Zafar Najmiddinov (Uzbekistan), Juridical Works of Hanafi School: A Critical Study as a Source of Socio-political History of Central Asia

Dr. Dr. Iurii Zazuliak (Ukraine), Landscape, Law and Memory: Forging the Local Tradition and the Perambulations of Estates' Boundaries in the Kingdom of Poland during the 15th and 16th centuries

Interdisciplinary Centre for European Enlightenment Studies, Halle (Saale)

Gerda Henkel Fellowship on the History of Knowledge and Science

The study of the history of knowledge and science is a core concern of the Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of the European Enlightenment (IZEA) in Halle. Under the heading "Structures of Knowledge", the Center's four main research areas include the examination of practices of knowledge appropriation, questions of knowledge order, and the techniques of knowledge distribution in the 18th century. Institutionally anchored at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, one of the most important universities of the Enlightenment period, and located on the grounds of the Francke Foundations, a research stay at the IZEA provides access to numerous resources significant for the history of knowledge and science. These include the historical holdings of the University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt, the library of the Francke Foundations, and the Marienbibliothek, as well as the university collections dating back to the 18th century, especially in the field of natural sciences and anatomy, and the holdings of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.

The Gerda Henkel Foundation has provided funding for a fellowship program on the history of knowledge and science at the IZEA since 2021. With the fellowship program, which will initially be funded for two years, the IZEA intends to provide targeted support for research in the history of knowledge and science with a focus on the Enlightenment period, and thus an area of particular relevance against the backdrop of current debates on science policy and society.


Two scholarships for doctoral students for up to three months and one scholarship for doctoral students for up to three months are announced for the year 2023.

For more information on the scholarships and the application process, please visit: https://www.izea.uni-halle.de/chancen/gerda_henkel_stipendium_zur_wissens_und_wissenschaftsgeschichte_am_izea.html 

Current and former fellows


Dr. Hanna Mazheika: Intellectual networks and cross-cultural knowledge exchange between the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania and Europe in the age of Enlightenment

Dr. Radu Nedici: Emperor Joseph II’s Travels to the Eastern Lands of the Habsburg Monarchy: Power and Knowledge in the Enlightenment

Jin-Woo Choi: Melting Memories: Meteorology and the Cultural Makings of the Great Winter 1709


Dr. Allessandro Nannini: The Origins of Psychotherapy an the Age of Enlightment

Dr. Kristine Palmieri: The Philology Seminar: Critical Thinking and the Rise of German Science

Anne Por: Knowledge Structures as Pillars of Purposeful Studying: A Comparison of Sequential Learning Ideologies and Practices

Commission for Ancient History and Epigraphy of the German Archaeological Institute, Munich

Doctoral Scholarships in Ancient History

The Commission for Ancient History and Epigraphy of the German Archaeological Institute in Munich conducts research in the areas of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Numismatics, Papyrology and Historical Topography. Its library, which covers the entire field of Ancient History and provides excellent working conditions, counts among the best stocked specialist libraries in the world. The Commission is devoted in particular to the promotion of young academics.

Thanks to the financial support of the Elise und Annemarie Jacobi-Stiftung and the Gerda Henkel Foundation, the Commission has been awarding research scholarships in Ancient History to international PhD students four times a year since 2005. The scholarships encompass a place to work in the library along with apartment accommodation on the premises, travel expenses and an allowance towards living costs.

Applications can be addressed four times a year (until 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October) to the director of the Commission. They should be submitted at least six months before the beginning of the scholarship.


Details on the scholarships and persons to contact for further information can be found on the German Archaeological Institute website.

For further informations you can contact the Commission for Ancient History and Epigraphy:

Telefon: +49 (0)89 28676760
email:  info.aek@dainst.de



Zhengyuan Zhang (Berkeley), Transacting Honor: Honorific Practice in Response to
Civic Benefaction in the Cities of the Roman West (30 BC– AD 300)

Irene Nicolino (Pisa), Agoranomoi e agoranomeia nell’Egitto romano

Evdoxia Mintzaridou (Thessaloniki), Coinage and Public Image in Roman Empire: the case of provincial coins from Valerian to Gallienus (AD 253-268)

Vincenzo Micaletti (Ca‘ Foscari, Venedig)
Quando nasce un re. La regalità infantile in epoca ellenistica


Edward John Armstrong (St Andrews)
Character and Rhetoric in Thukydides

Ann Lauren Osthof (Hamburg)
City Scripts. Inschriften und die Konstruktion von sozialen Räumen in Milet (Asia Minor)

Mirón Jurík (Brno)
The Christianisation of the Goths and the development of their Arian Churches during the migration period and Barbarian states

James Jesse (Harvard),
Greek International Law: Networks, Socialization and Compliance (500 – 100 BCE)

Christopher Erdmann (Santa Barbara, California)
Voting Culture and Political. Theater in Late Republican Lawmaking


Matthew Hewitt (Oxford, Great Britain)
The Epigraphic Culture of Manumission in the Ancient Greek World
Noelia Cases Mora (Alicante, Spain)
El culto a divinidades augusteas en la Hispania romana
Colleen Kron (Ohio, USA)
How to build Belief with Blocks: Myth and Materiality in Hellenistic and Roman Funerary Inscriptions
Kyohei Sakeshima (Edinburgh, Great Britain)
Remembering the Persian Wars in the Hellenistic Period


Olga Boubounelle (Nanterre, France)
 La célébration du pouvoir impérial dans la province romaine de Macédoine (1er siècle av. – IVe siècle après J.-C.)
Antonio Iacoviello (Edinburgh, Great Britain)
 The Text as Political Weapon. The Legacy of the Attic Orators in Early Hellenistic Athens (322 - 261 BCE)
Rémi Saou (Bordeaux, France)
Violences et pratiques combattantes dans l`espace égéen entre la fin du IVe s. et le Ier s. a. C.
Piotr Glogowski (Wroclaw, Poland)
The hellenization and romanization of Phoenicia and the Phoenician cities
Nicolai Futás (Heidelberg, Germany)
Von der Liturgie zur Euergesie - die Transformation der athenischen Demokratie im 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr.


Dies van der Linde (London, Great Britain)
Dialectics of Imperial Cults. Religion and Socio-Political Interactions in Roman Ephesos and Miletos
Urpo Henrik Kantola (Helsinki, Finland)
Römische Namen in griechischen Quellen in der Zeit der römischen Expansion nach Osten
Adèle Vorsanger (Paris, France)
Routes et territoires dans la Grèce des cites (VIe s. av. n.è. – Ier s. av. n. è)
Yadigâr Dogan (Antalya, Turkey)
Politcal History, Historical Geography and Sociocultural Structure of Milyas and Kabalia Regions within the Context of the Epigraphical Evidences
Aránzazu López Fernández (Madrid, Spain)
Los estudios paleohispánicos de Manuel Gómez-Moreno


Julie Bernini (Bordeaux, France)
Les lieux du politique dans les cités d'Ionie et de Carie à l'époque hellénistique
Elizabeth Foley (Dublin, Ireland)
The Nesiotic Leagues, Cooperation and Connectivity in the Hellenistic Aegean
Karin Maurer (Freiburg, Germany)
Negotiated power: a study of the interaction between the Athenians and their alllies in the fifth century BC
Angelos Boufalis (Thessaloniki, Greece)
The Inscriptions of the Archaic and Classical Period in Macedonia


Javier Moralejo Ordax (Barcelona, Spain)
Soldados y territorio en la Hispania citerior: Una aproximación desde los testimonios epigráficos
John Fabiano (Toronto, Canada)
Reconstructing the history and place of the Urban Population of Rome, 275 - 410 CE
Valérie Schram (Paris, France)
L'arbre et le bois dans l'Egypte gréco-romaine
Lina Girdvainyte (Oxford, Great Britain)
Law and Citizenship in the Roman Greek East: the Provinces of Macedonia and Achaia (c. 146 BCE - 212 CE)
Katarzyna Kostecka (Warschau, Poland)
Mythical genealogies of the Greek aristocrats (VIII-IV c)
Simone Oppen (New York, USA)
Comparative perspectives on the Near Eastern use of Greek sanctuaries in antiquity


Rodrigo José Illarraga (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
El pensamiento politico de los filósofos socráticos
Jerzy Szafranowski (Warschau, Poland)
Clerical ordinations of monks in the Late Antique and Early Medieval Gaul
Francois Gerardin (Yale, USA)
Cities in the Kingdoms of the Hellenistic East (Second Century B.C.)
Silvia Tantimonaco (Barcelona, Spain)
El latín de Hispania a través de las inscripciones. La provincia de la Lusitania
Alberto Esu (Edinburgh, Great Britain)
Dispersed Power: Deliberation, Delegation und Judicial Procedures in the Greek City-States
Anthony R. Shannon (Cambridge, USA)
Africa Romana: Appropriation, Interaction and Tradition in the Development of Urban Landscapes in the Roman Maghrib


Eloisa Paganoni (Verona, Italy)
Bithynia. Politics of a Hellenistic Kingdom
Mali Skotheim (Princeton, USA)
The Greek Dramatic Festivals under the Roman Empire
Mélanie Houle (Ottawa, Canada)
Les notions de possession et d'exorcisme dans les papyri magiques de l'époque gréco-romaine jusqu'à l'Antiquité tardive: Changements et continuités
Cameron Pearson (New York, USA)
Alkmaionid Epigrams and the framing of Archaic Monuments
Jasmin Hettinger (Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Praktiken und Paradigmen der Hochwasservorsorge im Römischen Reich
Emilio Rosamilia (Pisa, Italy)
Cirene nel periodo dell'indipendenza (440-320 a. C.): Un'élite cittadina e il suo mondo
Nikolas Hächler (Zürich, Switzerland)
Zusammensetzung, Funktion und Bedeutung der senatorischen Führungselite im Zeitalter der Soldatenkaiser (235-284)
Masataka Masunaga (Kyoto, Japan)
How did Roman Greek Cities in Asia Minor use their Cultural Capital: Spectacles and Public Building


Eva Hagen (Freiburg, Germany)
Memoriae Latinae. Inhalte, Kontexte, Funktionen und Aktualisierungen von Erinnerung im antiken Latium
Andrea Angius (Rom, Italy)
Le Fonti dell'Opinione Pubblica nella Tarda Repubblica Romana
Marzena Wojtczak (Warschau, Poland)
Arbitration and Settlement of Claims in Late Antiquity
Charalampos Chrysafis (Athen, Greece)
Πέδαι Έλλαδος. Antigonid Garrisons in Mainland Greece and the Aegean
Kale Coghlan (Laval, Canada)
Ecrire la terre: l'invention du traité géographique et sa réalisation au cours de l'époque hellénistique
Chris Dawson (York/Toronto/Sackville)
Intimate Communities: Honorific Statues and Political Culture in the Cities of Africa Proconsularis


Vera Hofmann (Wien, Austria)
Die Korrespondenz Kaiser Hadrians mit den Städten des griechischen Ostens. Text und Kontext im Spannungsfeld von römischer Herrschaft und provinzialer Selbstbehauptung
Sabrina Feickert (Freiburg, Germany)
Communities of Practice im kaiserzeitlichen Ägypten. Untersuchungen zur Vernetzung und Kommunikationsstruktur unter Veteranen und militärnahen Personenkreisen
Aitor Blanco Pérez (Oxford, Großbritannien)
The 3rd century A.D. in South-Western Asia Minor: Epigraphic Studies into Local Politics, Civic Life and Foreign Relations
Tobias Joho (Chicago, USA)
Nominal style, language change, and φύσις ἀνθρωπεία: an investigation of Thycididean necessity
Susan Bilynskyj Dunning (Toronto, Canada)
Roman Ludi Saeculares from the Republic to Empire
Markus Zimmermann (Bamberg, Germany)
Die epigraphische Repräsentation imperialer und lokaler Eliten in den Donauprovinzen des römischen Reiches
Emma Rix (Oxford, Great Britain)
The Epigraphic Habit in Lycia, 450 BC to AD 43


Sabrina C. Higgins (Ottawa, Canada)
From Mother of Jesus to Mother of God: The Physical Materialization of the Cult of Mary in Late Antique Egypt
William J. B. G. Mack (Oxford, Great Britain)
Proxenia: Inter-Polis Networks and Relations in the Classical and Hellenistic World
Aleksandra Kubiak (Warschau, Polen / Paris, Frankreich) "Celui dont le nom est béni pour l'éternité". Une étude comparative des dédicaces sans noms propres de dieux à Palmyre
Clément Sarrazanas (Montpellier, France)
Agonothésie et agonothètes dans l'Athènes hellénistique et impériale, de ca. 320 av. J.-C. à ca. 300 ap. J.-C.
Jean-Francois Claudon (Paris, France)
Les ambassades des cités grecques d'Asie Mineure auprès des autorités romaines
Bryan Brinkmann (Providence, USA)
Imperial Acclamation in the Early and High Roman Empire
Ramón Melero Guirado (Malaga, Spain)
Ciudades des Agua: Ostia versus Italica, Roma versus Córdoba


François Chevrollier (Paris, France)
Les élites des cités de Crète et de Cyrénaique à la basse époque hellénistique et sous le Haut-empire romain (IIe s. a. C.-IIIe s. p. C.)
Álvaro Moreno Leoni (Córdoba, Argentina)
Ethnic-moral representation and characterization in Polybius' The Histories: Didactics of domination and autonomy in the late Hellenistic world
Francesca Labonia (Rom, Italy)
Iscrizioni greche dalla Basilicata
Nils Steffensen (Tübingen, Germany)
Nachdenken über Rom: Das politische Denken mit geschichtlichem Argument im Frühen Prinzipat
Inger Neeltje Irene Kuin (New York, N.Y., USA)
The Gods of Lucian: A Study of the Religious Life of the Greek-Speaking Elite in the Early Empire
Marco Tentori Montalto (Rom, Italy)
Influenza del discorso di lode sull'epigramma funerario attico di IV sec. a. C. e suo rapporto con il monumento


Dr. Claudio Biagetti (Rom, Italy)
La Messenia in Pausania: tradizioni dinastiche fra storia e propaganda
Sofie Waebens (Leuven, Belgium)
Life and Death of Legionary Soldiers in Third-Century Egypt
Maria Elena De Luna (Rom, Italy)
Arkadika. Edizione critica, Traduzione, Commento
Alexander Puk (Heidelberg, Germany)
Kontinuität und Wandel von antiken Lebenswelten am Beispiel des Spielewesens in der Spätantike
Adrian Dumitru (Bukarest, Romania / Paris, France)
La fin des Seleucides (129-64 av. J.-C.) - structures d'autorité centrale et autonomies locales
Lorenzo Cigaina (Triest, Italy / Regensburg, Germany)
Die Kaiserverehrung in der Provinz Kreta und Kyrenaika
Naomi Hester Carless-Unwin (London, Great Britain)
Karia and Kreta: A study in social and cultural interaction


Aurélie Carrara (Bordeaux, France)
La description des quatres types d'oikonimia par le Ps.-Aristote
Gustavo Veneciano (Córdoba, Argentina)
Deliberación y creación normativa: Los jueces griegos en textos de la época arcaica
Sofie Remijsen (Leuven, Belgium)
The End of Ancient Athletics
David DeVore (Berkely, USA)
The Use of Biographic Forms and Themes in Eusbius’ Historia Ecclesiastica


Patrick Sänger (Wien, Austria)
Römische Veteranen in der Severerzeit: Eine Betrachtung anhand der Archive der Veteranen Aelius Sarapammon und Aelius Syrion
Annika Kuhn (Oxford, Great Britain)
The Roman Elite in Asia Minor, c. 27 BC - AD 212
Emanuele Montagner (Triest, Italy)
Il culto di Apollo Karneios
Ghislaine Stouder (Marseille, France)
Regards croisés sur la diplomatie romaine, IVe-IIIe s. av. J-C
Christoph Lundgreen (Dresden, Germany / Paris, France)
Les, ius, mos - aber keine Verfassung? Normenhierarchie und Metaregeln in der römischen Republik
Alexander W. Meyer (Duke University, USA)
The Composition, Character, Service, and Settlement of Auxiliary Units Raised in the Spanish Provinces
Bülent Öztürk (Istanbul, Turkey)
The History of Tios (Tieion)


Pierangelo Buongiorno (Bari, Italy)
Materiali per una palingenesi dei senatus dell'età di Claudio
Filiz Dönmez-Öztürk (Istanbul, Turkey)
Römische Bürgerrechtspolitik in den Provinzen Lycia und Lycia et Pamphylia
Elizabeth M. Greene (Chapel Hill, USA)
Social roles of women and family in the military community in the Roman West
Michael Snowdon (Hamilton, USA)
Greek Freedom and Roman Constraint - the Forging of a Provincial Identity
Filippo Battistoni (Pisa, Italy)
Roma, mito troiano e diplomazia (syngeneia /cognatio)
Johannes Wienand (Konstanz, Germany)
Die Inszenierung des Sieges. Kaiserliches Charisma als politisches Argument (293-363 n. Chr.)
Tatiana Ivleva (Leiden, Netherlands)
Immigration Patterns in the Roman Empire: the British Case


Florian Matei-Popescu (Bukarest, Romania)
The Roman Army in Moesia Inferior
Burak Takmer (Antalya, Turkey)
Lex Porttorii Provinciae Lyciae
Luca Grillo (Princeton, USA)
Identity and Community in Caesars Bellum Civile
Andew Monson (Stanford, USA)
Agrarian Institutions in Transition: Privatization from Ptolemaic to Roman Egypt
Jens-Frederik Eckholdt (Wuppertal, Germany)
Der Tyche-Begriff in den Schriften des Plutarch von Chaironeia
Gabrielle Frija (Paris, France)
Les prêtres civiques du culte impérial en Asie Mineure. Recherche d'histoire sociale


Andreas Victor Walser (Zürich, Switzerland)
Bauern und Zinsnehmer. Recht, Wirtschaft und Politik im frühhellenistischen Ephesos
Paulin Ismard (Paris, France)
Le phénomène associatif dans les cités grecques de l'époque archaique jusqu'à la fin du IIIe siècle
Colin Bailey (Vancouver, Canada)
The Gerousia of Roman Ephesus
Adrian Robu (Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
La cité de Mégare et les établissements mégariens de Sicile, de la Propontide et du Pont Euxin
Damiana Baldassara (Venedig, Italy)
Dai Messenioi andres alla polis ton Messenion. Il percorso storico dei Messeni tra continuità ed innovazione
Peter Thonemann (Oxford, Great Britain)
Studies in the Historical Geography of the Maeander Valley


Aude Cassayre (Bordeaux, France)
Justice des cités, justice sous tutelle dans le monde hellénistique, des royaumes à la domination de Rome (Egypte exclue)
Davide Faoro (Udine, Italy)
Attività presidiale e ordine equestre. Analisi storica e prosopografica
Sara Saba (Durham, USA)
Greek Urban Administration

Stanford University

Gerda Henkel Visiting Professor Series in German Studies

The Gerda Henkel Visiting Professorship is open to professors at German universities with distinguished scholarly accomplishments in a historical humanities department other than literature, such as: History, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Art History or Music History, with a specific focus on any area within German Studies. Applicants should have a strong record of teaching.

The Gerda Henkel Visiting Professor at Stanford University will normally be on research leave from his or her home university and will be appointed at Stanford for one academic quarter (three months) to be scheduled at mutual convenience. A stipend is available to help defray costs of the visit. The Visiting Professor will be expected to offer one course, typically in seminar format. The visitor will be fully integrated into the academic and intellectual life of the department, including participation in colloquia. In addition, the Visiting Professor will deliver one formal lecture, advertised to the university community and open to the public.


The Department of German Studies at Stanford University is in charge of the application and selection procedure. For more information, applicants may directly contact Ms. Christine Onorato at conorato@stanford.edu.


2022/2023: Prof. Dr. Markus Späth (Giessen, Germany)

2022/2023: Prof. Dr. Kristin Böse (Frankfurt a.M., Germany)

2022/2023: Prof. Dr. Nikita Dhawan (Berlin, Germany)

2021/2022: Prof. Dr. Elena Zanichelli (Bremen, Germany)

2019/2020: Prof. Dr. Dieter Schönecker (Siegen, Germany)

2018/2019: Prof. Dr. Norbert Frei (Jena, Germany)

2017/2018: Prof. Dr. Christian Geulen (Koblenz, Germany)

2016/2017: Prof. Dr. Michael Hüther (Köln, Germany)

2015/2016: Prof. Dr. Carola Groppe (Hamburg, Germany)

2014/2015: Prof. Dr. Nicole Schwindt (Trossingen, Germany)

2013/2014: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Seibel (Konstanz, Germany)

2012/2013: Prof. Dr. Bernd Weisbrod (Göttingen, Germany)

2010/2011: Prof. Dr. Uwe Fleckner (Hamburg)

Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies

Gerda Henkel Stiftung Research Fellowships

The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies is dedicated to researching and documenting anti-Semitism, nationalism and racism. The Institute focuses on the study of the Holocaust in the European context, including its precursors and consequences. Beyond research activities, communication and scholarly interaction with other fellows at the Institute will be encouraged. For Research Fellows, this includes, for example, supervising Junior Fellows during their stay at the Institute. The Gerda Henkel Foundation has been funding the Fellowship Programme of the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute since 2020. Funds for the granting of a six to twelve-month fellowship have been approved up to and including the academic year 2023/2024.


The Fellowships are announced in November of each year, immediately after the annual meeting of the International Academic Advisory Board, with an application deadline of approximately mid-February of the following year.A sub-commission appointed by the Advisory Board of the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies decides on the awarding of the Fellowships. Further information can be found at https://www.vwi.ac.at/index.php/en/research/current-fellows

Current and former fellows

2023/2024: Dr. Katharina Lenski: „Asociality“: Constucting „Underclasses“ between 1933 and 1989

2023/2024: Dr. Aurélia Kalisky: How do we write our story? The unclassifiable historiography of Jewish survivors of the Shoah

2022/2023: Dr. Anastasia Felcher: Debates on the Holocaust in Jewish Samizdat: Political Agenda, Self-Identification and Memory Work

2022: Dr. Kamil Kijek: The Last Polish Shtetl? Jewish Community of Dzierżoniów, Jewish World, the Cold War and Communism (1945-1950)

2022: Dr. Emily Rebecca Gioielli: Cataclysm: Water and the Holocaust in Central Europe, 1933–1945

2021: Dr. Marta Havryshko: War on Women’s Bodies. Sexual Violence during the Holocaust in Ukraine

2012/2013: Dr. Ridha Moumni (Tunis, Tunisia): Construire et déconstruire ses histoires: le patrimoine de la Tunisie sous bénéfice d'inventaire des Tunisiens

Important note on submitting applications

Applications are not to be sent to the Gerda Henkel Foundation, but directly to the corresponding institutions. Please contact the administrative office if you have any questions.

Contact Persons Fellowships

Oleg Golberg
Project Manager Fellowships / Research Scholarships / Special Programme Forced Migration 

Responsible for: German Historical Institute Washington, Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, Institute for Advanced Study Bukarest and Sofia, Stanford University, Interdisciplinary Centre for European Enlightenment Studies, Halle (Saale), Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies

Anna Kuschmann, M.A.
Project Manager General Research and PhD Grants
– PhD Scholarships and Research Grants, Publishing Aid, Fellowships –

Responsible for: German Historical Institute London, Historisches Kolleg Munich, Commission for Ancient History and Epigraphy of the German Archaeological Institute Munich, Maison méditerranéenne Aix-en-Provence

General Information for Applicants and Beneficiaries

Frequently asked questions