General Research Grants: Projects


Type and scope of the funding

The grants for research projects involve, depending on the type of project, the assumption of costs for personnel, travel, materials and/or other costs.

Applicants must be actively involved in the research work underpinning the project. Project staff on research projects may only be financed by PhD or research grants. A fundamental prerequisite for a grant is that project staff conduct their own research, which is published under their name. The simultaneous receipt of salary or retirement pension and a research scholarship is not possible.


Application Documents

From now on, it is only possible to apply electronically for the general research grants. The necessary application documents can be uploaded in the electronic application form.

The following documents must be included in an application for a research project (in German or English):

  • description of the research proposal (max. 8 pages)
    • plus bibliography if necessary (in addition to the max. 8 pages)
    • at least font size 11 and line spacing 1.5
    • please choose a readable font, e.g. Arial 11 pt. or Times New Roman 12 pt.
  • time schedule, travel itinerary (if needed)
  • detailed cost calculation
    • specific funds being applied for must be precisely defined. Please indicate all costs in euros.
    • scholarships and possible allowances must be listed in the cost plan. Please note our fixed monthly rates
    • no salaries for project staff
    • no college or tuition fees
    • no overhead costs
  • curriculum vitae and list of publications of the applicant(s)
    (We would ask that these are given only for the person(s) who are the applicant(s). The number of applicants stated should only in justified special cases exceed three persons. Additional associated scholars can be named in the application documents.)
  • if needed, curriculum vitae and list of publications of the proposed project participant(s)
  • if needed, academic certificates of the project participant(s) (Masters, PhD, professorship, etc.; please do not send Bachelor certificates)
    (We would ask that only those project staff members be mentioned in the application form for whom you are applying for grants / stipends. Other participants in the project can be named in the application documents.)

Please note the stated criteria for the award of research stipends under the terms of the General Research Grants as these also apply for staff members of research projects.


If also a scholarship for the applicant is planned:

  • one letter of recommendation
    • signed personally by the author 
    • upload via the online recommendation form
    • possibility to submit more than one letter of recommendation
      (Please note that the Gerda Henkel Foundation will not contact any referees and the applicants are responsible for requesting the letters of recommendation themselves.)
  • academic certificates of the applicant (Masters, PhD, professorship, etc.; please do not send Bachelor certificates)

Please do not additionally send the documents by email or postal mail.



Applies to new permits from 1 January 2024.

PhD scholarships

Monthly scholarship award: 1,920 euros

•    for one child: EUR 480
•    each further child: EUR 120

The family grant is awarded for children who have not yet turned 18.

Monthly endowment for scholarships abroad: 480 euros

Travel aid: as required
Material aid: as required

Applies to new permits from 1 January 2024.

Research scholarships for postdocs

Monthly scholarship award: 2,760 euros

•    for one child: EUR 480
•    each further child: EUR 120

The family grant is awarded for children who have not yet turned 18.

Monthly endowment for scholarships abroad: 690 euros

Travel aid: as required
Material aid: as required

Research scholarships after post doctoral lecture qualification

Monthly scholarship award: 3,720 euros

The higher grant rate is approved after successful conclusion of the professorial examinations (habilitation) process and/or alternatively at the earliest after positive interim evaluation for a junior professorship. For applicants from academic systems that do not envisage habilitations, the Foundation recognizes holding a tenured position as an associate professor or as a full professor or distinguished professor (in the US system) or as a senior lecturer or as a reader/professor (in the Commonwealth system) as an equivalent of passing junior professorial examinations. The administration of the Foundation can in individual cases assess other national qualification levels.

•    for one child: EUR 480
•    each further child: EUR 120

The family grant is awarded for children who have not yet turned 18.

Monthly endowment for scholarships abroad: 930 euros

Travel aid: as required
Material aid: as required

Contracts for work may be awarded for smaller research activities. The Foundation specifies no rates in this regard.


Please note the stated criteria for the award of research scholarships under the terms of the General Research Grants as these also apply for staff members of research projects.


The Foundation committees meet twice a year to consider the applications and decide on funding grants. The application deadline for the Foundation committees spring meeting in 2025 is 22 November 2024. Applications have to be in the Foundation's office by this day. The Foundation committees are holding their meeting in April 2024. If your application is successful, funding can start at the beginning of May 2025 at the very earliest.

The deadline is not valid for smaller funding amounts (max. 30,000 euros). Smaller funding amounts are granted by the Foundation through a simplified procedure with a deliberation time of approximately three to four months. Please follow the exact same application procedure for smaller funding amounts as for regular research scholarships.


Electronic Application Form for the Foundation:

1. Please complete the application form in full.

2. After you have completed and uploaded the form you can access it and rework it for ten days, using your personal link. After the ten-day deadline, your data will be deleted from the server.

3. Once you have completed the form, you will receive a short summary, which needs to be confirmed in order to be sent to the Foundation electronically.

4. During the transmission process your data will be sent to the Foundation in electronic form. Confirmation of receipt will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the application.

Please follow these rules when uploading your application files:

  • All documents need to be uploaded as pdf-files.
  • Please do not upload protected PDF documents.
  • A single file may not exceed a file size of 6 MB each.
  • You cannot upload more than one document per upload field.
  • The application can only be sent, if all necessary documents are included.

Please note the following additional information:

  • Your data will be stored by the Gerda Henkel Foundation for the purpose of processing your application and will not be passed on to third parties.
  • The Gerda Henkel Foundation will be happy to provide you with information about the data that we have stored on your person at any time. If so required, personal data can be changed or deleted.
  • This form may only be used to make an application to the Gerda Henkel Foundation. The Foundation reserves the right to delete application data without prior notification, if necessary.


If you are carrying out the research project as a single scholar and are applying for a scholarship payment for yourself, please use the form for General Research Grants: Scholarships and take into account the specified criteria for the awarding of Research Scholarships.

Publishing Aid

Publishing aid is currently only awarded to especially successful projects already being supported by the Foundation. Please include the following documents:

  • two-page summary of the academic merit and innovativeness of the monograph/collection
  • cost calculation by the publishing house
  • manuscript on which the calculations have been made (digital)

A copy of the (preliminary) PhD certificate should be included in proposals submitted for the publication of PhD theses supported by the Gerda Henkel Foundation.

Applications can be submitted at any time.

    Important note on submitting applications

    Please take a look at the information provided in this section and under General References. We would of course be happy to assist you should you have any further questions.

    Contact Person General Research Grants: Projects

    Anna Kuschmann, M.A.
    Project Manager General Research and PhD Grants
    – PhD Scholarships and Research Grants, Publishing Aid, Fellowships –

    General Information for Applicants and Beneficiaries

    Frequently asked questions

    General questions regarding the application

    Does the Foundation provide funding for master students?
    No, the Foundation does not provide support for studies under PhD level.

    Can I apply for a research project also if I have not received my PhD yet?
    No. Applications for research projects can be made by universities, other research institutes or comparable institutions as well as by one or several Postdocs or scholars with Post Doctoral Lecture Qualification. It is necessary to provide a (preliminary) PhD certificate.

    Can I apply with one and the same research project for support from several of the Foundation’s programmes?
    A simultaneous application with different research projects is in principle possible as long as no scholarship is earmarked for the applicant him/herself.

    What is the difference between a research project and a research scholarship?
    Applications for research projects can be made by universities, other research institutes or comparable institutions as well as by one or several Postdocs or scholars with Post-Doctoral Lecture Qualification. By contrast, a research scholarship should be applied for by one scholar alone for a project that he conducts himself. Applications for research scholarships can be made directly by Postdocs or scholars with Post-Doctoral Lecture Qualification. A research scholarship is usually applied for by one scholar who will work on a specific project on his own.

    Can I apply if my project belongs to another field than the academic disciplines cited on the website?
    No. But please have a look at the thematic requirements of the funding programmes “Democracy“ and "Lost Citiess", as well as the special programme "Forced Migration".

    What shall I do if I’m not sure whether my subject is eligible for funding from the Foundation?
    Please send us a short project summary by email ( We will be in touch within a few days to let you know whether you can apply.

    Are foreign academics allowed to apply for funding programmes?
    The funding activities concentrate basically on German and foreign academics in the fields of historical humanities. Candidates can apply regardless of their nationality and place of work.

    In which languages does the Foundation correspond?
    German and English.

    Should application documents and references be submitted in English or German?
    The Foundation accepts both, although German is preferred where possible.

    Are there formal requirements on how the application documents should be compiled?
    The project description should not be longer than 8 pages. Documents should have at least font size 11 and line spacing 1.5. Please read carefully all instructions in the section general references.

    Are there any substantial requirements for the structure or form of the description of the research project?
    No, there are no substantive requirements. Applicants for a research scholarship should make sure that in addition to the content presentation, information on the method, the state of research, the sources and research relevance are included in the description, especially if the transcript of the study is in the foreground.

    Should the proposal include a detailed list of publications or is it enough to note the cited references in footnotes? Is an additional list of publications with for the project relevant references necessary?
    It is sufficient to note the references of the proposal in footnotes. A list of publications with for the project relevant references can but must not be submitted.

    What should my working plan and schedule include?
    They should include detailed information about the work stages planned for the period of funding, including research trips and their planned duration.

    Can I apply for financing for my own post instead of a research grant?
    No. The Foundation is not providing funding for posts at research institutions.

    Can project staff be funded via posts?
    No. Project staff can only be financed by doctoral or research grants. A fundamental precondition for a grant is that project staff conduct their own research, which is published under their name.

    Do I have to include the scholarships for the staff members in the cost calculation of the research project or do they have to apply separately for a PhD or research scholarship?
    Please budget the scholarships as part of the research project funding. The staff members do not have to apply separately for a PhD or research scholarship.

    What do you require for travel and material expenses claims?
    We require a list of costs with each individual expense in as much detail as possible. Please have a look at the information provided under

    Does the Foundation pay for childcare during the period for which a stipend is awarded?
    Foundation stipend holders working on Ph.D. or research projects receive a family grant on presentation of the child’s/children’s birth certificate(s). The grant is paid for children who have not yet turned 18.

    What is the Foundation’s policy is a stipend holder becomes a parent during the period for which a stipend is awarded?
    The period of support for Foundation stipend holders working on Ph.D. or research projects can be extended by up to 12 months if the holder becomes a parent during the period covered by the stipend and has an entitlement to maternity or parental leave. Individual arrangements must be discussed with the Foundation’s administrative office.

    Does the Foundation cover overhead costs?
    No, the Foundation does not cover overhead costs.

    Can anyone request funding for printing?
    Publishing aid can only be claimed for projects which are already receiving funding from the Gerda Henkel Foundation. However, not all projects will be awarded funding for printing as the current budget for publishing aid is extremely limited.

    Does the Foundation sponsor individual journeys to participate in scientific conferences?
    At present travel expenses are only paid for larger research projects or PhD and research scholarships. Funding applications for independent trips to participate in conferences/congresses are in principle not considered.

    Can I change anything in my electronic application form after having sent it to the Foundation?
    No, that is not possible. Please inform us about any differing information when sending us your application documents or fill out a new application form and let us know you have sent a new form in a short note or email.

    What happens to my submission if it is incomplete?
    Incomplete submissions will not be considered and will be put back to the next selection round. Incomplete applications for PhD scholarships will not be considered any more after the expiration of one year.

    Does the Foundation provide reasons for refusing applications?
    The Academic Committee’s deliberations are confidential so the Foundation does not provide detailed reasons for refusals.

    General questions regarding the applications for scholarships

    Can I continue to work during the time of my scholarship?
    No, the simultaneous receipt of salary and a scholarship is not possible.

    Can I continue to draw a retirement pension during the time of my scholarship?
    No, the simultaneous receipt of a retirement pension and a scholarship is not possible.

    In which case can I apply for an overseas bonus?
    Should a recipient of a scholarship leave the country of her/his principal residence and spend more than four weeks abroad for research purposes, the Foundation shall grant a flat-rate overseas bonus. This should be seen as an extension to the scholarship, intended to cover the extra costs of food and accommodation. The Foundation shall not cover any accommodation costs for that period if an overseas bonus has been granted.

    Can I apply for funding of college or tuition fees?
    No, the Foundation does not cover college or tuition fees.

    If I am given a doctoral grant, do I have to start my doctorate immediately?
    Doctorates must be started within twelve months of the grant being agreed.

    Questions regarding letters of recommendation

    Can I apply for a research scholarship when I have not yet finished my PhD?
    No. Applications for research scholarships can only be made by Postdocs or scholars with Post Doctoral Lecture Qualification.

    Do the criteria also apply to the special programme "Security, Society and the State" and the two funding programmes "Democracy" and "Lost Cities"?
    No, the criteria only apply to applications for a general research scholarship.

    What is  the definition for "Post Doctoral Lecture Qualification"?
    The higher grant rate is approved after successful conclusion of the professorial examinations (habilitation) process and/or alternatively at the earliest after positive interim evaluation for a junior professorship. For applicants from academic systems that do not envisage habilitations, the Foundation recognizes holding a tenured position as an associate professor or as a full professor or distinguished professor (in the US system) or as a senior lecturer or as a reader/professor (in the Commonwealth system) as an equivalent of passing junior professorial examinations. The administration of the Foundation can in individual cases assess other national qualification levels.

    Questions regarding grants in general

    What should I do once I have received the letter of approval?
    Please let us know by postmail whether you accept the grant and the terms of appropriation. If you do accept, please also supply your current bank details and include when you wish payments to start. Please note that all credit transfers and standing orders are being switched over to the pan-European SEPA system. Instead of a bank sort code and account number, the Foundation requires the IBAN and BIC details. You will find the corresponding information on your account statement and possibly on your bank card.

    What are my obligations if I accept the funding?
    You must inform the Foundation of any changes which have a bearing on the payment of the grant or the amount paid. Teaching positions and other employment must be agreed with the Foundation if they exceed an average of 5 hours a week.

    Can I work during the grant period?
    Yes, as long as the employment does not exceed an average of five hours a week.

    How should references be made to the Foundation in my work?
    We ask that the Foundation be mentioned in any publications that arise from the funded project. The Foundation should also be included in the imprint of any publications for which publishing aid was supplied. For other media, such as conference posters or flyers, please use the logo available on our website. Please also mention the Foundation at events and in any contact with journalists (e.g. via your university’s press office), including in any press releases.

    Can the grant or parts thereof be used for other purposes?
    No. The grant is only to be used for the purposes detailed in the letter of approval.

    Can grants be transferred to overseas accounts?
    Yes. Please supply your SWIFT/BIC code and IBAN. We would however prefer to make transfers to a German account.

    Do I have to take out insurance if I am awarded a grant or does the Foundation cover those costs?
    As grant recipients are not technically employed by the Foundation, national insurance contributions are not paid. The Foundation recommends that all grant recipients take out medical insurance. No additional funding is available for these costs.


    What kind of information about my bank account do I have to submit?
    Please note that all credit transfers and standing orders are being switched over to the pan-European SEPA system. Instead of a bank sort code and account number, the Foundation requires the IBAN and BIC details. You will find the corresponding information on your account statement and possibly on your bank card. Please send us these details or submit them with your next invoice.

    Do original receipts have to be sent?
    Generally yes. Should third parties need the originals for billing purposes (e.g. university offices), please submit copies and ensure that the originals are held for at least ten years in case they need to be checked.

    Will my family’s costs be reimbursed for research trips?
    No. These must be covered by the grant recipient.

    General questions

    What is the phone number for Henkel AG & Co. KgaA in Düsseldorf?
    +49 (0)211 7970